Time’s Up - Be Crowned with Joy

Father, we repent for our sin and pride before Your throne. The days on end when we focus only on ourselves and not on Your desires and will. When we pray for what we want and not for others. You said Seek My Kingdom and Righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. Do not worry about clothing and food.

You will feed us as you care for the sparrows, even more. We are prayerfully and wonderfully made. You know our rising and sitting down. Nothing escapes You. Why should we fear? If we make our bed in hell, You are there. If we sail across the seas, there Your hand will guide us.

The Father’s response:

Time’s up

The time of worrying and vexation has ended.The time of springing forth and bursting into joy and song is upon you. It is over your head as a crown of glory

The Glory of the Lord’s joy crowns you with many crowns. Many facets of what it looks like to live a worry-free life.

How else can you hear My Spirit unless you are still?

The weaning process is complete.

Glory be to our Great God, who is merciful and skilful in bringing us into the depths of His heart. Amen and Amen.


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