Chaos CAN Lead to Beauty

Maybe too often, we ask God to make a situation better before moving towards a goal.

I think about Joseph when he was in the pit, at Potiphar’s house, and then at the prison. Perhaps he prayed for a change of circumstances, waiting for his father or anyone to rescue him.

We see Joseph making a last effort at returning home when he says, “For indeed I was stolen away out of the land of the Hebrews: and here also have I done nothing that they should put me into the dungeon.” (Genesis 40:15).

But God wasn’t about to send someone to rescue Joseph from prison. In this case, He was working through the chaos.

Chaos can lead to Beauty

Strangely, I’ve come to understand that chaos may just be the precursor to beauty and abundance (Genesis 1:1-2).

What it taught me was that sometimes the genius of our Savior can only be fully expressed when He veils His approach.

He set darkness for His refuge and His tabernacle around Him, and darkness of waters in clouds of the air.” (Psalm 18:11, Aramaic Bible in Plain English).

God CAN use an injustice (not that He instigated it) to mould our character beyond what we imagined we could become. Other times, there will be chaos, not of our own making, forcing us to submit to the process, even without understanding anything.

Why? God has His secrets.

As we read through the story of Joseph, we do not see anyone ever giving him comforting words, encouragement or showing up to testify of His good character.

Yet… everything he did prospered because “God was with him.”

And through it all, he learned the most valuable and hardest of lessons.

“To love without being loved.”

A Call to Work through the Chaos

If we wait for God to change everything before we trust Him, then we forfeit attaining the gems He has for us.

Our Father never comes to us without treasures in His right hand. Mostly we think of riches, but many times He is offering opportunities to take on more of His character and personality.

So, let this be your prayer today:

Father, I won’t ask that you make things better. Work through the chaos!

And you’ll discover that God’s secrets are just as important and beautiful as those He reveals to us.


In the Wringer as A Prisoner of Hope